New pages should be saved as in the appropriate directory (for example, /v1.0/docs/


Every page starts with frontmatter:

title: "Page Title"
slug: "page-slug"
description: "Page description"

Standard frontmatter fields:

Field Description
title Required. Should be written in Title Case.
slug Required. Should be written in kebab-case.
description Optional. Should be written in sentence case. Can include markdown formatting and :emoji:.
tags Optional. Should be written one per line, indented. Eg: - Beta.

BOM entries can include any of the following additional fields:

Field Example
price $10.00
quantity standard: 3
xl: 3
specs spec-1: 4
spec-2: 18
spec-3: 6 pin connector
internal-specs internal-part-name: Motor Housing - Horizontal
rev: A
vendor: LDO
cost: $1.38
notes: Pre-assembled

Add to the table of contents

In _data/toc/v1.0.yml (where 1.0 is the documentation version), add:

- title: Page Title
  url: page-slug

to the desired location. The toc page organization should match the documentation version directory folder structure.

Add a permalink redirect

If a permalink url is necessary, in _redirects add a new file with:

permalink: /docs/page-slug
page_path: /documentation/path/to/page-slug
layout: redirect

where /documentation/path/to/ is the path to the file in the v1.0 (or latest version) directory.

Adding images

  1. Upload the image to the _images folder in the same directory as the file it will be used in. (Create the _images folder if it does not exist.)
  2. Link to the image with:
![image alt text description](_images/image_filename.png)

Verify that the image appears in the GitHub markdown preview (or when served by localhost).

What’s next?