In order to provide a documentation consumption experience that is consistent, beautiful, and joyful to use, we have adopted the following style guide that is to be used throughout all documentation hubs.

Follow your gut

Keep in mind that this document is merely a guide. If something doesn’t feel right or look right with the styling here, feel free to deviate.

Titles and headers

Text Type Formatting Example
Page titles Title case Intro to the Style Guide
H1, H2, and H3 headers Usually none (see below) Titles and headers
H1, H2, and H3 headers Title case when text is a noun Track End Plate


Text Type Formatting Example
Paragraph text None Sounds good, let’s go!
Part name Bolded when used the first time in a paragraph Insert four tee nuts into the extrusion. Then slide the tee nuts into position.


Text Type Formatting Example
Table column headers Title case Text Type
Table row headers Bold, title case Surface Treatment
Table cell text None Clear anodized
Table row or cell used as a subheading Bold All versions
Total Bold $2,345.67
Grand total Bold, uppercase GRAND TOTAL


Text Type Formatting Example
Callout title None (will be automatically bolded) Follow your gut
Callout text None And your :heart:

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